Surgical Services
At Centinela Hospital, we specialize in some of the latest inpatient and outpatient surgical techniques including laser surgery, arthroscopy and laparoscopic procedures. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists perform over 9,000 inpatient and outpatient operations annually. For our patients, this means the highest quality care with the best possible outcomes.
We recognize that to our patients, no surgery is ever “routine.” Our interdisciplinary team is dedicated to providing comprehensive surgical services with compassion for our patients and their families in a comfortable atmosphere.
For further information, contact us at 310-673-4660
What to Expect
On the day of your surgery try to arrive at the hospital early and go to the patient registration area at the front desk first. Once you’ve checked in there, you will go to the surgery department. You’ll have an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns before your surgery. Please talk about your feelings and ask questions, because it is important for you and your family to feel confident and calm about your surgery.
Make sure the staff knows about any allergies you may have even if you’ve been asked about it before. You will receive a consent form to sign. Take time to read it carefully and ask questions. You will need only a minimum of personal items such as gowns, pajamas, robe, slippers, and essential toiletries. You should bring insurance information such as your insurance card, claim forms, Medicare or Medicaid card or military ID (Champus). Be sure to bring your own containers for glasses, contact lenses or dentures.
In the operating room, you will meet your nurse and anesthesia clinician. You will also be asked to verify what surgical procedure you are having and to mark the site. Any questions you may have can be answered at this time. You will also have an IV inserted. An IV provides a way to get medication and fluid into your bloodstream. You may also receive medication to help relax you before you go into surgery. Monitors will then be attached to you that monitor your blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and hear rate and rhythm. You will be put to sleep, awakened when it’s all over, and then taken to the recovery room.
In the recovery room, you will be closely monitored until you are fully alert. Should you have pain or nausea post-operation, your nurse will manages it. Your time in recovery is usually less than one hour, and then you are transported to your hospital room. Your surgeon will speak with your family after the surgery and let them know how everything went. Your family will be called to see you when you are ready for visitors.
Expect some discomfort following surgery. Your surgeon will anticipate this and order medication to ease the pain. It is up to you to ask for pain medication anytime you feel you need it. People have different pain tolerance: only you know exactly when you need medication.
Do’s, Don’ts, and If’s Before Your Surgery
- Do not come to the hospital alone. A competent adult should accompany you to the hospital and take you home.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. You may brush your teeth and gargle but don’t swallow it.
- Do not bring any valuables such as money, rings, or watches with you. Let your family member hold them or leave them at home.
- Do not wear make up or fingernail polish. Let us know if you have acrylic nails.
- Do not take insulin shots or pills for diabetes the morning of your surgery.
- Do not drive or operate any machinery for at least 24 hrs after surgery.
- Do notify us if there is any change in your health one to two days before your surgery, such as cold, cough, or fever. Let your surgeon’s office or the surgery department know. Call our surgery department at (310) 680-8495 if you have any questions.
- Do inform us if there is any chance you may be pregnant.
- Do remove contact lenses before surgery. Bring case and solution to put them in or wear glasses to the hospital.
- Do have someone available to drive you home.
- Do wear comfortable loose fit clothing. Consider where your incision will be and avoid tight or binding clothing for the trip home.
- Do take you heart or blood pressure medicines with a sip of water when you get up the day of your surgery.
- If you are having a laparoscopic procedure, you will have a catheter inserted to drain your bladder before surgery. It won’t hurt, although you may feel some pressure. You will need to take slow deep breathes to help you relax.
- If you are having general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, or IV sedation, you will have IV fluids started prior to coming to the operating room or in the operating room. You may also be given IV antibiotics to help prevent infection after your surgery.
- If you’re not already an in-patient, you may be admitted as an in-patient after your surgery depending on how well you recover.
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