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Home 9 Patients & Visitors 9 Advance Health Care Directive

Advance Health Care Directive

What it Means to You

Centinela Hospital Medical Center recognizes and honors your right to formulate an Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD). An AHCD means either an individual health care instruction or power of attorney for health care. An AHCD lets your physician, family and friends know your health care preferences, including the types of treatment you want or don’t want at the end of life; your desire for diagnostic testing; surgical procedures; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and organ donation.

Through advance care planning, you can put into writing what types of treatment you would want or not want in case you are unable to speak for yourself.

More Information on Advance Directives

For more information on patient rights and the importance of creating an Advance Health Care Directive, please click here. Centinela Hospital Medical Center patients with questions about advance directives can contact the facility’s Social Services department for assistance.

Downloadable Forms

Click to view and/or print an advance health care directive form.

Advance Directive (english)

Advance Directive (spanish)