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More Patient Safety Excellence Award Recipients for Three Consecutive Years than any other Health System

(Ontario, CA – May 10, 2018) – Prime Healthcare announced today that 24 of its hospitals in 11 states are the recipients of the Healthgrades 2018 Patient Safety Excellence Award™. This designation recognizes excellence in clinical care that leads to fewer complications and better patient outcomes. These awards place Prime hospitals in the top 10% across the nation for exceptional performance, according to Healthgrades.

Prime Healthcare, one of the nation’s leading hospital systems, has more Patient Safety Excellence Award recipients for three consecutive years (2016-2018) than any other health system in the country. In addition, the health system has more 2018 Patient Safety Excellence Award recipients than any other health system in California, recognizing Prime Healthcare’s commitment to its mission of saving hospitals, saving jobs and saving lives.

“Prime Healthcare again demonstrates exceptional patient safety performance with 24 of their hospitals nationwide achieving Healthgrades’ 2018 Patient Safety Excellence Award. We commend Prime for their continuous commitment to delivering high-quality care, shown by an increased number of hospital recipients from 2017,” said William R. Wyatt, Ph.D., M.Sc., VP, Data Science, Healthgrades. Healthgrades is the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals.

“I am proud of our hospitals for their commitment to patient safety,” said Prem Reddy, MD, chairman, president and CEO of Prime Healthcare. “For Prime Healthcare to have more Patient Safety Excellence Awards than any other hospital system for three years in a row demonstrates our dedication to providing the highest quality of care. Thank you to our physicians, nurses, and employees for their excellent work that led to this national recognition.”

During the 2014 to 2016 study period, Healthgrades found that patients treated in hospitals receiving the Patient Safety Excellence Award were, on average:

  • 55.6 percent less likely to experience an accidental cut, puncture, perforation or hemorrhage during medical care, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals
  • 52.4 percent less likely to experience a collapsed lung due to a procedure or surgery in or around the chest, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals
  • 62.8 percent less likely to experience catheter-related bloodstream infections acquired at the hospital, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals
  • 54.3 percent less likely to experience pressure sores or bed sores acquired in the hospital, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals

During the study period (2014 to 2016), Healthgrades 2018 Patient Safety Excellence Award recipient hospitals demonstrated excellent performance in safety provided for patients in the Medicare population, as measured by objective outcomes (risk-adjusted patient safety indicator rates) for 13 patient safety indicators defined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

If all hospitals achieved the average performance of award recipients for each of the 13 Patient Safety Indicators evaluated, during the 2014 to 2016 study period, 126,342 patient safety events could have been avoided.

Throughout Prime’s hospitals, leadership team members conduct daily huddles to review patient safety issues and resolve them immediately as a team. Members of the hospital leadership, including the CEO, routinely round on patient floors where they assess aspects of a patient’s stay, including their medical care, how well their pain is managed, satisfaction with food services, and more. Open and candid conversations with patients and their family members is a continuous priority, including bedside shift reports that improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers and encourage patients’ active involvement in their care.

The 24 hospitals in Prime Healthcare to receive the recognition are Riverview Regional Medical Center, AL; Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, CA; Centinela Hospital Medical Center, CA; Chino Valley Medical Center, CA; Garden Grove Hospital Medical Center, CA; La Palma Intercommunity Hospital, CA; Montclair Hospital Medical Center, CA; Paradise Valley Hospital, CA; San Dimas Community Hospital, CA; Shasta Regional Medical Center, CA; Sherman Oaks Hospital, CA; West Anaheim Medical Center, CA; Providence Medical Center, KS; Garden City Hospital, MI; St. Joseph Medical Center, MO; St. Mary’s Medical Center, MO; Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center, NV; Saint Clare’s Hospital Denville, NJ; East Liverpool City Hospital, OH; Lower Bucks Hospital, PA; Roxborough Memorial Hospital, PA; Suburban Community Hospital, PA; Landmark Medical Center, RI; Dallas Regional Medical Center, TX.

View Healthgrades hospital quality methodologies.

Access the recently released Patient Sentiment Report from Healthgrades and MGMA, which analyzed nearly 7 million online patient reviews and reveals what patients say about their physicians.